A Community Radio Station that Serves the Community
At GDR, our community is our heart and soul. We are always thinking of new ways to entertain while we support and assist you at the same time.
To serve you better, we have opportunities for not-for-profit and politically non-aligned community groups to become station members.
So, what’s in it for you? Well, we’re glad you asked.
Your community group will get to promote and publicise activities, events, and endeavours on air regularly.
As a community group member you will receive all this for only $100 per annum.
You can download the Community Group Membership Application Form (pdf) which is the same as our Membership Application Form.
If you would like to know even more about this membership please feel free to drop a line at mail@goldendaysradio.com or by post to:
Golden Days Radio
PO Box 287
Glen Huntly VIC 3163
Golden Days Radio sincerely appreciates the ongoing support of the following Community Groups:
Name of Community Group | Core Business | Phone Contact and Website details |
A.I.R. (Australian Independent Retirees) South Eastern Branch | Support for self-funded retirees | 9807 7663 independentretirees.com |
A.I.R. (Australian Independent Retirees) Glen Eira Branch | Support for self-funded retirees | 0439 771 222 Peter Hewitt independentretirees.com |
All Saints Church of East St Kilda | Spiritual Fellowship & Concerts | 9527 1603 |
Association Sculptors of Vic | People interested in sculpting | 9579 1221 |
Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies inc | Promotes and encourages the study of genealogy, and family history | 03 9801 8680 aigs.org.au |
Australian Multicultural Community Services. | Provides home care and support services to seniors in Melbourne and Geelong | 9689 9170 amcservices.org.au |
Australian Vintage Radio Society | Lovers of Old Radio Technology | 9885 1030 avrs.org.au |
B# Big Band (B Sharp Big Band) | 17 piece big band with the swingin’ sounds of the 30s-50s | 0412 307 512 bsharpbigband.com.au |
Balwyn Evergreen Centre | Helping older People in the community | Ms Erica Fosbender 0401 053 376 balwynevergreen.org.au |
Beaumaris RSL | Fellowship for returned soldiers | 9578 4528 or 0417 386 408 |
Bentleigh Combined Probus Club | Fellowship, outings, social events | 9579 5506 |
Bentleigh Seniors | Educational, recreational and social support opportunities | 9557 5739 Cheryl |
Bonsai Society of Victoria | Everything Bonsai | Jeffry Farman 0419 549 666 |
Boroondara Stroke Support Group | Support group | 9818 2511 |
Box Hill Chapter No135 Order of the Eastern Star | One of the largest Fraternal Organisations in the world to which both women and master masons may belong. | 5940 2408 |
Brighton Evening View Club | Club for women with guest speakers | 9596 1371 |
Brighton Floral Art Group | Flower arranging | 9820 0694 or 0418 532 552 |
Brighton Theatre Company Inc | Non professional theatre group | 9527 2681 |
Burnley Golf Club | Golf Club | 9827 7803 0423 043 464 |
Camberwell Music Society | Concerts, discussion on music | 9889 2363 |
Carnegie Lions Club | Promote youth, medical research, aid to people with disability, community service & disaster relief | 0407 866 584 Ian Sparrow |
CATHS (Cinema and Theatrical Historical Society) | Keeping the cinema history alive | caths.org.au |
Caulfield South Community House | Community Organization | Rebecca Valk 9596 8643 |
Charles Dickens Fellowship | Fellowship of the great master of humour and pathos |
dickens.asn.au info@dickens.asn.au |
Community Visitors Scheme Central Bayside Community Heallth Services | Providing volunteers for aged care facilities | 8587 0296 or 8587 0322 volunteers@cbchs.org.au |
Cornish Association of Victoria Inc | Promote and fister goodwill among Cornish people and people in Victoria | 9877 2968 cornishvic.org.au |
COTA (Council on the Ageing) | The Voice of Older Victorians – | 9654 4443 cotavic.org.au |
East Bentleigh Senior Citizens Club | Educational, recreational and social support opportunites | 9579 4573 |
Friends of Capitol Organ | Supporting restoration of the Wurlitzer theatre organ | Mrs Margaret Sutcliffe 0412 422 309 |
Friends of Labassa | Historic Mansion | 9509 6596 or 0409 940 562 |
Friends of St Kilda Cemetery | Historical group | 9533 6442 or 0426 070 074 |
Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Victoria | G & S Theatre Productions | 0412 891 038 Bookings 9905 1111 |
Glen Eira Artists Society Inc | For Amateur Artists | 9568 7190 |
Glen Eira Historical Society | Promoting the Historical Features of the City of Glen Eira | 9077 5395 |
Glen Eira U3A Inc | Adult Education and Life Lessons | David Collier (President) 9572 0571 |
Glen Huntly Village Traders Association | Representing businesses in Glen Huntly | 1300 292 894 |
Glen Waverley Tennis Club | Tennis for All | 9561 1884 |
Golden Melodies | Monthly sing-a-longs (Free entry) | 2nd Thursday at 585b North Road Ormond (Ormond Church of Christ Hall) 9578 6106 Geraldine Morrow |
Hawthorn Community House | Promoting short story writing skills | 9819 5758 or carolyn.cuming@accesshc.org.au |
Heidelberg Over 50’s Dance Group | Social Dance group | 9531 1562 dr2232@gmail.com |
Holy Trinity – Balaclava | Religious and Community Support | 9531 1562 |
Holy Trinity – Hampton | Religious and Community Support | 0421 855 3564 Ann Mayor |
Hughesdale Art Group | For thoses interested in and wanting to improve their art technique | 9571 1204 |
Indoor Bowling Club – St John’s Uniting Church | Indoor bowls | 9807 1524 or 0400 987 032 |
International Sinatra Society | Sinatra Fan Club | 9895 5150 |
Kerrie Neighbourhood House | Community activities group | 9887 6226 |
Keysborough Dances | Ballroom Dancing | 0428 549 995 or 0419 570 191 |
Kingston Arts Centre | Dedicated to the development of arts and culture. | 9556 4440 |
Kiwanis Club of Moorabbin | Community Service Club | 9587 6980 (Bryan Williams) |
Ladies Probus Club of Ormond | Community activities group | 9557 2485 or 0407 841 358 |
Leighmoor Uniting Church | Religious and Community Support | Robyn 0457 782 475 |
Life Activities Club Balwyn Inc | Community Activities Group | 8809 0314 Anne life.org.au/balwyn |
Life Writing Course (Hawthorn Community House) | Promoting short story writing skills | 9819 5758 or carolyn.cuming@accesshc.org.au |
Lions Club of Moorabbin | Promote youth, medical research, aid to people with disability, community service & disaster relief. | 0451 283 912 moorabbin.vic.lions.org.au |
Lions Club of Sandringham | Promote youth medical research, aid people with disability, community service & disaster relief. | 9521 9647 |
Lions Eye Health Program | Awareness Program for Seniors’ Eye Health | 9929 8328 |
Lodge of Welcome No 510 | Masonic Fraternity | Robert 9546 1911 |
Melbourne Ambulance Service | Support the Ambulance Service – Number Your House | 9840 3500 ambulance.vic.gov.au |
Melbournaires Men’s Barbershop Chorus | Mens’ Chorus (Barbershop style) | 9898 6014 melbournaires.com |
Melbourne Begonia Society | Promotion of Begonia Growing | 9758 6642 |
Mitcham Scottish Society | Scottish Dancing | Dianne 0407 882 866 |
Monash-Oakleigh Community Support & Information Service | Community Referral Service | 9511 4845 |
Monash Combined Probus Club | Fellowship, outings, social events | Graham 0400 565 387 |
Monash Community Info | Community Referral Service | 9807 9844 or 9807 5996 |
Monash Men’s Shed | A group of active members enjoying each other’s company, playing cards, producing works of art, many and varied artifacts from fully equipped workshops | 9561 8557 monashmensshedinc.com.au |
Monash Seniors | Fellowship, outings, social events | Danny 9807 1524 |
Murrumbeena Bowls Club | Bowling club | 0418 500 893 |
Navel Association of Australia | Look after interests of serving navy and ex navy men and women | Gary Cleary navalassoc.org.au |
Oak Lions Club Elderly Homes Inc | Support group for the elderly | 9570 1767 |
Oakleigh Evening View Club | Support Group for the Smith Family | 9569 4217 |
Ormond Senior Citizens | Fellowship, outings, social events | 9578 7653 |
OzHarvest | Australia’s leading food rescue organisation stopping good food going to waste | 1800 108 006 ozharvest.org |
Partners of Vets Association | Support for Partners of Veterans | 1300 553 835 pva.org.au |
Peridot Theatre Inc | Non professional theatre | damianjones1@gmail.com |
Port Melbourne Life Activities Club | Activites group for seniors | 9662 2930 |
Probus Club of Hawthorn Glen | Community Service and Support for men and women | 9291 5312 Rosemary |
Probus Club of Kew | Community Service and Support | 9429 9631 |
Probus Club of Latrobe/Malvern | Community Service and Support | 9509 2774 |
Puffing Billy Preservation Society | Volunteer organisation that operates Puffing Billy steam train | 9757 0700 puffingbilly.com.au |
Robert Stolz Music Society Concert | Encouraging support for the music of Robert Stolz | 9836 7214 or rsvmsi.com |
Rostrum Victoria | Practice your speaking skills and enhance your meeting and management skills | 9521 8184 |
Rotary Club of Caulfield | Community Service & Support | 9568 7190 |
Rotary Club of Hampton | Community Service and Support | 0415 188 985 |
Rotary Club of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills | Community Service and Support | 9890 6399 Joe Somers |
Rotary Club Of Oakleigh Sunday Market | Regular Sunday Morning Market | 0412 238 974 |
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society | Promotion of Scottish National Dancing | Dianne 0407 882 866 or Christine 0414 385 389 rscds.org.au |
Sandringham Bowls Club | Bowling Club | 0409 388 614 Jack Decent sandybowls.com.au sandringhambc@bigpond.com |
Sandybeach Centre | Community hub encouraging personal and professional development | Andrea Fennessy 9598 2155 sandybeach.org.au |
Springvale Dance | Modern and Old Time Dancing | 9755 7273 or 0428 549 995 jdennooo@gmail.com |
Springvale Garden Club | Garden Club offering everything about gardens | Cheryl 9551 3197 or Bob 9798 5801 |
St George Day Club | Community support | 9578 6169 |
St John’s Indoor Bowling Club | Indoor bowls | 9807 1524 or 0421 282 736 |
St John’s Elsternwick Op Shop | Community Support | 9532 4044 |
St Peter’s Anglican Church Neerim Road Murrumbeena |
Church Activities | 9568 5274 |
Stonnington City Brass | Brass band | 0418 320 957 |
Theatre Organ Society of Australia (TOSA) – Melbourne Theatre Organ | Supports Theatre Organ | 9891 7227 or 0412 422 309 melbournetheatreorgan.com.au |
U3A Bentleigh | Adult Education and Life Lessons | 9570 3929 u3abentleigh.org.au |
U3A Kooyong | Adult Education and Life Lessons | Leigh 0407 289 726. |
U3A Waverley Inc | Adult Education and Life Lessons | 9832 5855 |
Victorian Bridge Association | Learn to play Bridge | Mary 0431 581 304 or VBA 9530 9006 |
Victorian Jazz Archive | Promotion of jazz and preservation of jazz archives | 9800 5535 vicjazzarchive.org.au |
Vision Australia | Supports the blind and vision impaired | 0447 554 145 |
Volunteering Glen Eira | Provides volunteers with a full range of volunteering activities | 9571 7644 |
Waverley Gem Club | All about gems | 9570 5401 or 0402 230 709 |