Presenting on GDR is like completing a full circle for me. My working life began in the background at ABC Radio, assisting a talented crew of seasoned practitioners before I followed my instincts to complete my first degree in Theatre and Drama. Learning my craft happened on the road with a touring company, developing works and honing my skills. Hard yakka but invaluable in defining professional standards, personal goals and what would become a significant life journey in both the Arts and Education. Music has always been a staple in all I have done. Volunteering at GDR seems like a good fit; sharing great music throughout the years is a wonderful way to stay connected and enjoy the memories music can bring.
Robyn’s currently the Secretary for GDR.
How did you first connect with GDR?
Through a friend and GDR volunteer who thought it might just be up my alley. Shirley was right!
Why did you want to be a presenter?
GDR is such a valuable community asset. It is important to support such a gem in any way possible.
What experience do you want to give your listeners?
Music is the great leveller. It bypasses the things that divide us and hones in on the things that unite us; love, empathy, understanding, awareness, the list goes on. We all know what we like and we also have such respect for those who have produced glorious sounds over the years. GDR pays tribute to the golden years of music and that is what I look forward to every time I create my program for our audience.